Biggest Chooser 2023 – Week #7 Recap

Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club


Week #7

Current Leader: Turquoise
Total Lbs. Lost: 507.1lbs.




“…and down the stretch they come!” – every track announcer at every racetrack everywhere.

Week 7
results are in so let’s get right to our 3 Observations:

Have a Week Missy Leucie!

The Biggest
Chooser of the Week and Team Turquoise stalwart lost nearly 3% of her body
weight over the past seven days. Her impressive performance pushed Turquoise
out to a 6.84% to 5.14% lead over Army Green. Participants have now lost over
507 pounds since the competition began. Honorable mention this week goes to
Matthew Bracey (Team Red 2.20%) and Robert Oliveri (Navy Blue 2.19%). While
it’s getting late early, everyone is clearly chasing Turquoise to the finish.

“It ain’t over ‘til it’s over!”

Yes, Team
Turquoise is in the driver’s seat, however, recent competitions warn us that
anything can happen in the final weeks. Just this past weekend in a college
basketball game, a team led the entire game (39 minutes and 59 seconds) until a
beyond mid-court heave won the game for their opponent. It all comes down to
the famous (infamous?) quote by former Major League pitcher, Joaquin Andujar
who said, “I have two words for you – you never know!”.

More from Yogi

Our eloquent
former catcher once commented, “That restaurant is so busy, no one goes there anymore.”
I’m  not sure exactly how that applies to
our competition, but if I may reach for an extrapolation, perhaps we can infer
that while we may perceive a situation as being one way, take nothing for
granted. Check things out for yourself and above all, never stop trying. As
they say (whoever “they” are), “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.”

One Housekeeping Note:

Per Miss Sarah, the leaderboard next week (3/6) will not be updated until Wednesday 3/8. Thanks!




Red Team - Geraldine
4.11% Total Weight Lost
Turquoise Team - Janice
6.84% Total Weight Lost
Army Green Team - Phillip
5.14% Total Weight Lost
Grey Team - Denae
2.45% Total Weight Lost
Navy Blue Team - Nolan
2.40% Total Weight Lost
Black Team - Phillip
4.20% Total Weight Lost
Purple Team - Heather
0.88% Total Weight Lost