Biggest Chooser 2022 – Week #7 Recap

Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club


Week # 7

Current Leader: Grey
Total Lbs. Lost: 458.4lbs




“It’s about to go dark, very dark.” These are the words Miss Sarah uttered as she handed me the results for this week. After recoiling in fear, my thoughts raced. What if it’s a trap? What if I’m overdressed? What if it’s a cash bar? Then I realized she was referring to the final two weeks of our Biggest Chooser competition and I recoiled in fear once more!

Well, here we are: The home stretch, the final turn, the beginning of the end. After seven weeks of struggle and hope, the finish line is in sight. Coach Phillip’s Team Grey has made a bold move and pulled into the lead at 4.51 percentage points of total body weight lost. Team Turquoise led by Coach Janice is poised to swoop in over the last two weeks and win their second straight championship, weighing in at 4.42%. Don’t count out Coach Geraldine and Coach Marisa as their respective teams are within striking distance.

Of course, all this intrigue will play out without any public updates. Teams must rely on taking care of their own business and see who comes out on top. Information blackouts are rare these days. One participant commented, “My wife asked me why I was speaking so softly and I replied I didn’t want anyone to eavesdrop on us. She laughed, I laughed, Alexa laughed and Siri laughed.”

There have also been inspiring moments along the way. One team member recently encouraged another by asking, “Did you know your body uses 14 different muscles when opening a bottle of wine? Fitness is my passion!”

Regardless of the outcome, this year’s competition has been a fun and productive journey. Stay focused, finish strong and I will see you on the other side.



Red Team - Geraldine
3.20% Total Weight Lost
Turquoise Team - Janice
4.42% Total Weight Lost
White Team - Heather
2.50% Total Weight Lost
Grey Team - Phillip
45.1% Total Weight Lost
Blue Team - Marisa
1.70% Total Weight Lost
Pink Team: Denae
2.00% Total Weight Lost
Yellow Team - Marisa
3.73% Total Weight Lost
Black Team - Phillip
3.81% Total Weight Lost
Purple Team - Heather
2.23% Total Weight Lost