Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
Granite Falls Swim & Athletic Club
It’s time for the Super edition of our weekly BC observations. Apparently, there is some type of athletic contest scheduled for this Sunday, but it certainly takes a back seat to the ultimate in competition: man vs. himself. On to the observations.
Red Any Good Books Lately
Wow, what a move by Denae’s Red Menace, climbing from fifth place a week ago to take the week three lead. Led by Gordon (I’m More Than a Computer Expert) Coleman’s 4.87% of body weight loss, the Reds sprinted past the Turquoise squad to lead 2.32% to 2.03% heading into week four.
Grey and Army Green Are Colors Too
Bold moves by Joe’s Grey and Natalies’ Army Green vaulted the teams into third and fourth place respectively. Leslie Umberger (3.24%) and Lane Laverack (4.10) paced their teams’ success. Keep an eye on both of these teams who are led by outstanding trainers.
By George, That’s Impressive
Special recognition goes out to Christopher George of Team Black (Phillip – 3rd place). Christopher weighed in at 5.03% body weight loss this week. Cleary, hard work, and self-discipline have their rewards. Way to go Christopher!
On to Week Four!